Minimalism at its Finest

Living in a Minimal World

Minimalism is the art of creating a website that is simple, pleasing, easy on the eye, and free of clutter. It should look clean, professional, yet catches people's attention. It is highly structured and follows strict rules. Things that should be considered in a minimalist website:

Hands Mountain

Many believe that minimalism is the way to go. It is common in professional institutions as well as trendy websites. Some people live by the idea of minimalism and would die for the cause.

For instance, there is even an organization that is trying to make cluttered websites illegal in Canada. They call themselves Alliance for Minimalist Websites or AMW for short. They consider themselves progressive and want to push for minimalist website standards. Some of their policies include:

As you can tell, AMW takes themselves very seriously and wants to be respected by the public as a serious organization. They have had issues in the past with lack of respect and consideration. Often, they are ridiculed by critics of minimalism. The President for the Institution on Shutting Down Minimalism (ISDM) was very insistant on this,

In conclusion, minimalism is not only a mode of design for the web developer. It is a lifestyle choice. Once you get into minimalism, there is no turning back.